Surname, NameRole
Alba Pérez, AndrésR&D Manager
Amaro Prellezo, ElenaPostdoctoral Research Associate
Aparicio Collado, Jose LuisPostdoctoral Research Associate
Campillo Fernández, Alberto JoséProfesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer)
Coloma Borrás, PabloPhD Student
Cuenca Ortolá, IrenePhD Student
Fuster Gómez, SandraPhD Student
Gallego Ferrer, GloriaCatedrática de Universidad (Professor)
García Castellanos, MarinaResearch Assistant
Gil Santos, LuisInvited Researcher at CBIT. Jefe de Servicio I+D+i en Hospital Intermutual de Levante.
García Briega, María InmaculadaPhD Student
García Parra, Nadia PhD Student
Gentile, PiergiorgioATRAE Distinguished Researcher Fellowship
Gisbert Roca, FernandoPostdoctoral Research Associate
Gómez Heredia, Ana IsabelResearch Assistant
Gómez Ribelles, José LuísCatedrático de Universidad (Professor)
Gómez Tejedor, José AntonioCatedrático de Universidad (Professor)
González Valdivieso, JuanAristos MSCA Postdoctoral Research Associate
Igual Roger, SandraResearch Assistant
Ivashchenko, SergiyResearch Assistant
Martín Cabezuelo, RubénPostdoctoral Research Associate
Martínez Férriz, ArantxaPostdoctoral Research Associate
Martínez Ramos, CristinaPostdoctoral Research Associate
Más Estellés, Jorge Catedrático de Universidad (Professor)
Meseguer Dueñas, José María Emeritus Staff
Molina Mateo, José Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer)
Monleón Pradas, Manuel Catedrático de Universidad (Professor)
Moratal Pérez, DavidCatedrático de Universidad (Professor)
Navarro Páez, FranciscoResearch Assistant
Pallarés Aranda, JavierResearch Assistant
Pons Beltrán, VicenteInvited Researcher at CBIT. Jefe de la Unidad de Endoscopia Digestiva at Hospital La Fe
Rico Tortosa, Patricia MaríaPermanent Research Associate at CIBER-BBN*
Ródenas Rochina, JoaquínPostdoctoral Research Associate
Rodríguez Hernández, José CarlosProfesor Ayudante Doctor
Sabater i Serra, Roser Catedrática de Universidad (Professor)
Sánchez González, EstelaPhD Student
Serrano Jareño, María Antonia Profesora Contratada Doctor (Assistant Lecturer)
Soto Prado, AlexandraResearch Assistant
Suay Antón, Julio José Invited Researcher at CBIT. Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) at Universitat Jaume I
Teruel Biosca, Laura Lab Manager
Torregrosa Cabanilles, Constantino Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer)
Tort Ausina, Isabel Profesora Contratada Doctor (Assistant Lecturer)
Vallés Lluch, Ana Catedrática de Universidad (Professor)
Vidaurre Garayo, Ana Jesús Emeritus Staff
Vilariño Feltrer, Guillermo Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer)

Multi Institutional Units and Groups

* What is CIBER? CIBER is Spanish public research consortium to further excellence research in Biomedicine and Health Science. CIBER-BBN is focused in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine. CBIT has a research group at CIBER-BBN led by Prof Gloria Gallego Ferrer.