Surname, Name | Role |
Alba Pérez, Andrés | R&D Manager |
Amaro Prellezo, Elena | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Aparicio Collado, Jose Luis | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Campillo Fernández, Alberto José | Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer) |
Coloma Borrás, Pablo | PhD Student |
Cuenca Ortolá, Irene | PhD Student |
Fuster Gómez, Sandra | PhD Student |
Gallego Ferrer, Gloria | Catedrática de Universidad (Professor) |
García Castellanos, Marina | Research Assistant |
Gil Santos, Luis | Invited Researcher at CBIT. Jefe de Servicio I+D+i en Hospital Intermutual de Levante. |
García Briega, María Inmaculada | PhD Student |
García Parra, Nadia | PhD Student |
Gentile, Piergiorgio | ATRAE Distinguished Researcher Fellowship |
Gisbert Roca, Fernando | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Gómez Heredia, Ana Isabel | Research Assistant |
Gómez Ribelles, José Luís | Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) |
Gómez Tejedor, José Antonio | Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) |
González Valdivieso, Juan | Aristos MSCA Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Igual Roger, Sandra | Research Assistant |
Ivashchenko, Sergiy | Research Assistant |
Martín Cabezuelo, Rubén | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Martínez Férriz, Arantxa | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Martínez Ramos, Cristina | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Más Estellés, Jorge | Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) |
Meseguer Dueñas, José María | Emeritus Staff |
Molina Mateo, José | Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer) |
Monleón Pradas, Manuel | Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) |
Moratal Pérez, David | Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) |
Navarro Páez, Francisco | Research Assistant |
Pallarés Aranda, Javier | Research Assistant |
Pons Beltrán, Vicente | Invited Researcher at CBIT. Jefe de la Unidad de Endoscopia Digestiva at Hospital La Fe |
Rico Tortosa, Patricia María | Permanent Research Associate at CIBER-BBN* |
Ródenas Rochina, Joaquín | Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Rodríguez Hernández, José Carlos | Profesor Ayudante Doctor |
Sabater i Serra, Roser | Catedrática de Universidad (Professor) |
Sánchez González, Estela | PhD Student |
Serrano Jareño, María Antonia | Profesora Contratada Doctor (Assistant Lecturer) |
Soto Prado, Alexandra | Research Assistant |
Suay Antón, Julio José | Invited Researcher at CBIT. Catedrático de Universidad (Professor) at Universitat Jaume I |
Teruel Biosca, Laura | Lab Manager |
Torregrosa Cabanilles, Constantino | Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer) |
Tort Ausina, Isabel | Profesora Contratada Doctor (Assistant Lecturer) |
Vallés Lluch, Ana | Catedrática de Universidad (Professor) |
Vidaurre Garayo, Ana Jesús | Emeritus Staff |
Vilariño Feltrer, Guillermo | Profesor Titular de Universidad (Senior Lecturer) |
Multi Institutional Units and Groups
* What is CIBER? CIBER is Spanish public research consortium to further excellence research in Biomedicine and Health Science. CIBER-BBN is focused in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine. CBIT has a research group at CIBER-BBN led by Prof Gloria Gallego Ferrer.