A place to showcase our flagship projects.


SOLBIO MFA/2022/011 – Started in October 2022, SOLBIO stands for «Soluciones de detección y remediación para la eliminación de antibióticos en cursos de agua potables o residuales». The project is co-coordinated in collaboration with the Basque centre BCMaterials.

CARTIGEL PDC2021-121658-C21 – Started in November 2021, CARTIGEL stands for «Bioactive microgels as injectable support biomaterial for the regeneration of articular cartilage». The project is coordinated by Prof José Luis Gómez Ribelles and Prof Gloria Gallego Ferrer.

RISEUP H2020-FETOPEN – Started in May 2021, RISEUP stands for «Regeneration of injured spinal cord by electro pulsed bio-hybrid implant». The project is coordinated by the Italian agency ENEA.

Already ended

INOCOES-CAT – Started in September 2021, INOCOES-CAT stands for «Ocular insert manufactured by multi-jet coaxial electrospinning for the postoperative treatment of cataracts».

HEPATOPRINT Retos 2019 Project – A 2019 Spanish State R&D Program started in June 2020 and coordinated by Prof Gloria Gallego Ferrer and Prof Manuel Salmerón Sánchez at CBIT. HEPATOPRINT stands for “Biomimetic printable hydrogels for high-throughput hepatotoxicity studies”. The project has 2 independent sub-projects led by research groups in CBIT and at Hospital La Fe in Valencia. 

BIOMICROGEL Retos 2019 Project – A 2019 Spanish State R&D Program started in June 2020, coordinated by Prof José Luis Gómez Ribelles at CBIT. The goal of this project is to develop biomimetic microgels to recreate the interaction between tumour cells and their microenvironment. The project has 4 independent sub-projects led by research groups in Valencia, Zaragoza, and Bilbao.

BIOCORD Retos 2018 Project – “A new bio-active device for Spinal Cord Injury regeneration” is a three year project funded by the 2018 Spanish State R&D Program. The project started in January 2019 and is coordinated by our partner Dr Victoria Moreno Manzano at Principe Felipe Research Center (CIPF).

BIOCON Retos 2018 Project – «Engineered bioactive, electro-conductive and antimicrobial microenvironments able to stimulate bone regeneration and prevent multidrugresistant infections» is a three year project funded by the 2018 Spanish State R&D Program. The project started in January 2019 and is coordinated by Prof Roser Sabater i Serra and Dr José Molina Mateo at CBIT.

MECHANOHEAL Retos 2018 Project – This is a three year project funded by the 2018 Spanish State R&D Program to «Engineer cellular microenvironments to promote synergistic ion channel-integrin mechanotransduction.» The project started in January 2019 and is led by Dr Patricia Rico Tortosa.

Intramural Myeloma CIBER-BBN Project – A project that develops a microgel based culture medium for multiple myeloma cells. This is a CIBER intramural project that runs from 2019 to 2020 in collaboration with other CIBER-BBN and CIBERONC groups.

TissueMyeloma Project – Synthetic bone marrow to customize the treatment of patients with blood cancers. This is a Prometheus 2016 project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana that ended in December 2019. Summary of results and publications on this page (in Spanish).

NMD-SYNERGY – Design of cellular microenvironments to promote synergistic mechanotransduction of ion channels and integrins. RTI2018-096794-B-I00. The objective of this project is to design biomaterial systems that simultaneously present ion release and cell adhesion domains, to synergistically stimulate the activation of ion channels and integrins. https